
Welcome to Driscoll Property Management Blog

We’ll provide our latest news and post helpful articles to make sure you get the most out of your renting experience as either an owner or a tenant.

  • Winter Traveling Tips December 4, 2019Winter Traveling Tips
    Winter time means family’s are traveling for the holidays and winter vacations, if you are driving here a couple of tips to keep in mind to make it a safe traveling season. Pack extra blankets in the back with a couple extra bottles of water, in case you get stranded you can stay warm and also ...
  • Tips and hacks to lower your energy bill. November 20, 2019Tips and hacks to lower your energy bill.
    Most of the time when you become a renter you are responsible for your own electric bill, so trying some of these useful tips and hacks can help save you some money. Using LED light bulbs can use up to 90% less energy than your regular incandescent light bulb, saving you money. Do your laundry with cold ...
  • Veterans Day. November 6, 2019Veterans Day.
    Veteran: the men and women that took the stand to defend the United States, November 11th will always be an important day in the US where we honor all of those women and men. Not a lot of people know how to honor those veterans but these few ways to honor them will definitely make ...
  • Save money this holiday season October 23, 2019Save money this holiday season
    With the holiday season coming up people tend to think you can’t be festive and save money but following this simple tip you can have a happy holiday energy saving year. Replace all of your holiday lights with LED’s they are more expensive at first but in the long run you will be saving a lot ...
  • Fire Safety October 9, 2019Fire Safety
    October is Fire safety Month, take a few moments to go through these tips to help prevent a fire in your home.  Always make sure your smoke detectors are working, being tested every month and putting one on every floor of the house.  Do not over load the outlets and extension cords, avoid loose electrical connection with ...